To Inspire and be Inspired….



To keep it real simple..yes I am glad rather delighted….the purpose of creating this blog Love, Life and whatever was to share or bare my thoughts and then to inform, inspire or amuse in some way. If I could enkindle a few, as there are many who have inspired me to be what I am today, I guess that will lend a whole hearted smile to my face. The honour conferred to me this time is by two fellow bloggers. One with the blog name Ashmita. She is a lady with a voice and a woman of substance. Her blog@ reflects her resolute spirit and social consciousness. You will admire her spirit. The other person is Paul with blog name Miscellaneous Inanities@ His poems will uplift your mood. He is a gifted poet as he maintains classic poetic form but with a twist towards modern life themes.

Now, what it is to be me! :

1. I truly, truly believe that life is the most alluring and amazing gift by God amidst all the twists and turns….

2. Love – is what keeps me going. It’s the most powerful force and it’s like an elixir to many woes and wounds in one’s life.

3. My family; that’s what is my oxygen source. Far or near, I breathe in and out, only them.

4. Yes I believe in God and the divine justice. I am not a religious person per se, but spiritual. The idea and belief in God helps me and guides me in my day to day existence in this just amiss, not so impeccable world.

5. I adore intellectuals.

6. Where are the professionals? I salute them. Loyalty and integrity is THE virtue for me.

7. Reading and Writing is my passion and they go hand in hand. Literature was my first love. So I did my honours in English literature and plunged myself into the ethereal world of ‘books & words’. Those three precious college years, I spent learning something which was captivating and engaging to me and perhaps were the best days of my growing up, but not something which would make me financially viable though. So I landed up having a PG in Management(Marketing and Advertisement) and worked with a media conglomerate for a while for mundane sustenance.

 Amazing sure they are, I put the list down of six deserving bloggers on my mind right now: …….anything and everything about parenting in an interesting and convincing manner. …..Scott Mitchell – if you are a lover of poem more so a hopeless romantic, dig into it and you will not be complaining. ……. simple writing with profound messages ……. Dani – At one end, she writes intense, heartfelt emotions which touches your heart and at the other, things scholarly. …..honest writer in true sense…gives meaning to whatever she writes.….. HariVeena – something about her blog…beautiful and creative.


Here are the guidelines :
1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.
2. List the rules and display the award.
3. Share seven facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

It feels good : Sunshine and Versatile


Who doesn’t like recognition?

Who doesn’t like an applause?

Who doesn’t like a pat on the back in that not-so-perfect-day?

After all, Who does not like to be liked?…..

Seriously, most of us do as beneath this facade of flesh and blood, race and gender, nationality and nomads, we all have a quirky little apparatus called ‘heart’ and somewhere it craves for validation being human. So thank you for this honour and having trust on my ability. At least it makes me feel that I am pulling it off.

I am not going to say, this is my first one and I never got an award or so. But just that I am one regular girl who won some and lost some. But what makes this one special is the fact, that I have been blogging for a short span of three and a half month only and this is a real boost to my spirit. Thank you Anoop Pillai from as you felt I am deserving enough to be on the list. And I really admire your honest reading and penchant for writing and sharing, which reflects in your blog…wishing you good days ahead. I thank Ruchi Chopra too for conferring me with the same. Ruchi’s blog @ reflects her warm and affable disposition filled with vibrancy of nature captured through her eyes.

Let me not waste one more minute for thanking all my readers, the commentators, the followers and for the likings, who in this small passage of time have given me tremendous acknowledgement. It feels good.

Questions Please:

  • Favorite Food : I am a food lover; a any food cooked and served that matches my palate.
  • Favorite Actor : Quite a few and it keeps changing according to movie and genre….but if you insist Russell Crowe, Gerard Butler and currently Lupita Nyong.
  • Favorite TV show : I am a girl’s girl on this…Sex and the City, Desperate Housewives.
  • Favorite Tear Jerker : Roberto Benigni’s Life is Beautiful.
  • Favorite Sport : Tennis, all time favourite.
  • Lucky number : Any number which brings me luck….do let me know if you find one.
  • Tea or Coffee : There’s nothing like a hot cuppa burnt, mutty choclatey coffee on my mug and the aroma while it’s drizzling out.
  • Holidays : How much I love holidays but that reminds me we need a holiday….JB(my dear husband)….where are you? .. Can you not pick up the call?
  • Twitter or FB : FB all the way that has some of my close friends on the list and I love to be in touch with them.
  • Favorite Christmas movie : PS I love you.

Like any other exam sheet…lastly attempting the difficult one… Choosing ten out of many blogs I love, is intense and elaborate. But this is my personal choice and taste. I will not elaborate on each as they are too good for that. Happy Reading. So it goes like this:

  1. – Taylor Eaton

  2. – Meredith

  3. – Amanda

  4. – Shruti

  5. – Jen Pastiloff

  6. – Roos Oosterbroek

  7. – Paul Whitberg

  8. – Ese

  9. – Katherine

  10. – Terese Jonsson


Rules of the blog:

  1. Answer 10 questions given.

  2. Thank the person who nominated.

  3. Nominate 10 deserving bloggers.

  4. Place the award on the blog.