Thank You Note


The first time it was a feeling of exhilaration. On second one, it was contentment and then when it was third and fourth or fifth may be….it was happiness but sans excitement. Even if without the exuberance or rush, it do offered me a sense of repose and gladness. For the reason being it was presented by someone whom I hardly know but who somehow follows some of my writing expressions and indeed like them. Thank you Abbie as there’s no better word than this if you tell it from your heart and that’s what I am doing right now. Only semblance at cursory level is we are women but totally from different worlds. Abbie belongs to New Zealand and most of you as are aware of, I am an Indian. Her words touched me. She is a genuine and sensitive person and never shies away from even expressing her vulnerable side out. Her blog encompasses her warm and affable spirit.

Going by the rule of the game,

Answer the questions the award-giver asked you and make 11 more for your nominees.

1. Read on screen or old school book?

Ans: Given anyday, old school books. But quite recently the ease or the practicality of it makes me stick to my digital pad more.

2. You have a night in, what’s the best way to spend it?

Ans: No two words on this, absolutely with my husband and son having good time.

3. Favourite book (sorry, two book questions already, can’t help myself!)?

Ans: There are many. But on recentness I enjoyed Hurley’s Eat, love and Pray. Every word reverberates of how I feel too and filled with thoughtfulness and wisdom.

4. Favourite place in the world – that you’ve been to?

Ans: it was a remote hill station and the place we stayed was a hut beside a river bank. Idyllic, scenic and tranquil – what more one can ask for!

5. The place you would most like to go?

Ans: My hometown, my birthplace. It’s been quite a time, I miss it’s smell, touch, the air and the faces which I hardly interact with but somewhere I connect to.

6. Bungee jump or skydive (I haven’t done either but would probably skydive)?

Ans: Probably none of them as I have tremendous height phobia even though I am adventurous for other pursuits.

7. What’s the best part of blogging for you?

Ans: Connection, of course. When I could touch someone’s heart through my writing, there’s no feeling better than that in this world of blogging. Secondly if I can make some positive impact or influence in any form or kind for betterment to an individual or society at large. I am sorry but that’s how I feel. Didn’t want to bore you guys though.

8. Most played song over the last month?

Ans: Can you believe this…it’s Black Eyed Peas with ‘Tonight’s gonna be a good night’ as my son loves to dance to it’s tune.

9. Favourite smell (for me, fresh cut grass, home baking, the beach)?

Ans: There’s something about coffee and the drizzle…it smells heavenly together.

10. Best holiday memory?

Ans: It’s the same idyllic serene I mentioned above and the memorable part from it was my son’s journey towards first steps…he was trying to walk on his own and we could capture those indelible moments with free spirit while holidaying.

11. Best tip for other new bloggers?

Ans: Just be in your skin. You are unique and share that uniqueness through your creativity.

I will be skipping on the ‘facts about me’ part as I don’t want to nag you guys more. Moreover it’s already there in my other awards posts.

Questions from me to you:

  1. What made you start blogging?
    2. What makes you laugh out loud?
    3. Which book made an impression in your life?
    4. Who is your favourite author?
    5. Who inspired you most?
    6. Which song defines you?
    7. What’s your favourite mantra or quote?
    8. Three things you cannot live without.
    9. What is love for you?
    10. What is writing as per you?
    11. Do you have any idiosyncrasies? What are they?

I have varied taste. My nominees as per my taste, choice and affinity are: – Some of the best poetry I have read while my blogging journey. It surpasses good and tends to be great. – Amazing Writer. – Reflective and natural flow of words. – Healthy and Holistic lifestyle tips. – food and cooking with variety and one step ahead. – Creativity personified. – A person who with his blog spreads and shares positive energy. – exquisite, vibrant photographs. – her blog reflects her grit and admirable spirit. – a blog with a humanitarian cause. – My love for birds of any flock brings me here.

1.Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their page.
2. Proudly display the award banner on your page.
3. List eleven facts about yourself.
4. Answer the questions the award-giver asked you and make 11 more for your nominees.
5. List your nominees.



62 thoughts on “Thank You Note

  1. Congrats Chaitali 🙂 Well-deserved accolades. Thanks for sharing so many wonderful things about you & Have to check your nominated list. Hugs & Keep spreading smiles. 🙂


  2. Thank you for your kind words. Indeed we are from different worlds but I know we share a fierce mothers heart and a love of words. Your favourite place sounds like a dream.


  3. There is so much we have in common, I was happy that you picked proper books and not screen books that made me happy, but the smells you like and the height phobia is also something I share.

    A hearty and well deserved congratulations on your award.


    • Thank you Trish for your acknowledgement…but please pardon me for posting on this as I already have four which is pending. I am extremely grateful for the validation but no more posts on awards for time being as I hope you understand it will be compromising on quality of my content which I want to maintain as long as I can….my heartiest wishes for you once again…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Heartiest congratulationsssssssssssssssssssssssssss 🙂

    and tonight’s gonna be a good day is in my favourite list toooooooooooooo 🙂


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